
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oh come on Rooster....

what are you doing back again???
didn't I run you off already???

hey...are you listening to me....
I told you to get lost....
you don't scare me Rooster...
I just decided to take a little break..
let my food settle...

hey this one is off limits also....

oh come on Rooster...
I'll toss a little out for you too....

don't listen to him Rooster....
he's tricky....he won't really share....


Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

You grow some big squirrels in your area!

TexWisGirl said...

can't believe they figured out how high rooster can and can't jump! rascals!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Come on Rooster.....JUMP!!! You can get him!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

MadSnapper n Beau said...

two kissable faces for sure. I love Roosters coloring. our squirrels love to torment both dogs, they sit on the fence and chitter chatter at them and make them crazy.

fromsophiesview said...

Squirrelly whirleys don't share...ta da!