
Friday, May 20, 2011

Do you have nicknames for your furbabies?

Nolan was named after my grandpa....
We call him Nolan Polan...
when he was a puppy he was NO NO NOLAN...

Jake was named after a John Wayne Charachter...
Big Jake...he was kinda we gave him a macho name...
he's called Jakey....Shakin Jakin....
don't let his cute little looks fool you...
he catches bees...birds...snakes...(the garden variety)..

Bliss was named after my son's band he had in middle school...
she is also known as Bird Dog... B#$%&(keeping it family friendly)Blisters...Boo Boo....B-Dog...pretty girl...
Rooster was named after Rooster Gogburn...
another John Wayne Charachter...
he is also known as Rooter Boy...
Rootie Tootie...Roost....Red Dog...

Ginger...named by my DIL....
she is also known as Gin Gin....Ginger Snap...
Ginger Ale...pretty girl....
  they are all called Dog Dog by little britches...
he also calls Nolan Na...
and Ginger Gin....


TexWisGirl said...

we (i) have dozens of nicknames for our babies. love 'em all so much. :)

Inger said...

For some reason only Angel has nick names: Angel Cakes, Cakesy, Missy, Missy Cake, and Princess Angel. I don't know why the boys don't have any.--Inger

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when we first rescued our Jake, we called him no no Jakey, because we said it about 10 or more times a day, that did not last long though, he is a quick learner. now if we see him about to do something he should not we say No No and he stops...UNLESS its a lizard and nothing stops him, he will stop but when we turn our head he goes for it.
I love all your dogs, and don't tell the rest of them, but I have connected with that precious speckled Rooster. he just makes me happy to look at him. they are all wonderful and you are blessed to have them

Diana Chiew said...

Haha...guess ours would be "Quiet Christmas", "No Barking Happy", "Pinky Jump" and "Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, jingle all the way (to the tune of Jingle Bells)".

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Yeah, I usually get Kegs because I tend to look like a keg on legs. We've all got about 4 nicknames, too. (and they're not nice!)

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

fromsophiesview said...

LOVE IT!!!!!
Sophie is "Licker" as in tongue licker not liquor or lick her....Her Grandpa nicknamed her because she does just that...with disdain from all the hoity toitys and there prissy ways...hahahahahahah!

Cherrie said...

They are all cute nicknames! My late doggie was Chocolate Chip but we called her C.C.