
Monday, July 30, 2012

Our sweet little Jake is not doing good...
the results came back and he has bleeding internally..
we don't know how much time he has....
he has always been such a loyal pal...
but if there is a bird or squirrel he is ready to get them...
he has caught more birds than all the others combined...
loves to catch bees....
he loves warm clothes out of the dryer...
a heating pad...or a warm spot where you just got up from...
he will find the winter I warm up his blankets at bed time...
We will miss him so much....
we are just enjoying him now...
letting him eat what ever he wants to...whenever he wants...
sleep were ever he wants...
he doesn't seem to be in any pain...just tired...
I'm giving him iron with extra vitamins...
just send a little prayer for Jake...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

It was a little stressful today...
I went back to that Vet...
you know the place that cut off my tail...
I'm not crazy about that place...
seems like they are always cutting something off...
or sticking a needle in you...
they decided to leave my stitches in....
let them dissolve on their own...
after I sat in my Mom's lap for 45 minutes...
waiting and waiting...

Friday, July 27, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

guess who played ball today???
no this is not the photo...
I didn't take any today....
but our boy is improving...
if you would have asked me 3 days ago...
I thought he would never be the same again....
thank you for all the prayers...
his stitches come out on Saturday....
he might just be faster without that tail...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The new Rooster

he's not quite ready for this yet...
but he is feeling better...
the stitches will come out on Saturday....
he's starting to get the twinkle back in his eyes...
still having to keep his tail bandaged..
he's wanting out of the kennel more...
even tried to chase a squirrel on our walk this morning....

Friday, July 20, 2012

Doggy Shadow....
Rooster had a better night.....
as long as he is in his kennel he doesn't bother his bandage...
I think it is starting to itch where they shaved him...
he goes today to get the bandage removed...
hopefully it will be able to stay off...
he is getting a little too attached to being inside...
we might have problems when he moves back outside...
thank you for all your sweet comments....
hopefully our boy will be back chasing that ball soon...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Rooster update...

It will be atleast 10 days before Rooster can do this...
my poor guy is having a rough time of it...
the surgery went well...but he is not handling it well...
they put a cone on his head right before we left the vets office...
when we got in the truck he went bezerk...
thrashing his head around...
I was afraid he was going to knock himself or me out...
he managed to get it off...
he settled down a bit...
but when we took off to drive home...
he went nuts again...
it was a tough drive home...
we had to wait in the truck for 30 minutes...
with me holding him close...
his face stuck to the a/c vent...
till my hubby got him...
when he saw his Daddy he was happier...
but the minute he got outside...
he was scared again...
once we got him in his kennel...he settled down...
he gets really nervous when we take him out to do his business..
we think maybe he's just sore....he's on pain meds...
he doesn't bother the bandage when he's in the kennel...
but the minute you take him out...he tries to attack it...
it's going to be a long few days for us all...
thank you all for all the sweet comments and prayers...
I can't wait till my boy is swimming and chasing his ball again...
I put his tennis ball in the kennel with him...
seemed to make him happier...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rooster had to have his tail amputated this morning...he had split the end of his tail...
we don't know how...but evidently it is a
common thing to happen...he is out of
surgery and in recovery...we can pick him
up this will take 8-10 days
to heal...this will be really hard on our active
boy...he will have to be in a crate for a few days lake for a couple of weeks...
please say a little prayer for him...
he has been a very upset boy....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

say a little prayer for my sweet Jake...
we had blood work done...
he is anemic...his liver is count is off...
we have to take a stool sample in....
not sure what the outcome is going to be...

Rooster needs prayers too...
some how he injured the end of his tail...
we are having a really hard time keeping it bandaged...
he won't keep a cone on his head....
it is trying to heal if he will leave it alone....
My 3 boys are falling a part on me....

Sunday, July 8, 2012

guess who got to go to the lake....

yep that's right...
Rooster was at the lake....

he swam non stop....
he spent atleast 5 hours in the water....

all is right with the world again....

Saturday, July 7, 2012

what???I'm not up to anything...
the dog days of summer...

the mini border patrol....

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July everyone...
I didn't get to go to the parade...
I didn't go to the lake....

I don't know what is wrong with these people...
Ginger did come over today....
so we got to play....

they keep saying we are going to the lake on Sunday....
I sure hope Sunday is coming soon...
I'm ready to go swimming....