
Monday, July 30, 2012

Our sweet little Jake is not doing good...
the results came back and he has bleeding internally..
we don't know how much time he has....
he has always been such a loyal pal...
but if there is a bird or squirrel he is ready to get them...
he has caught more birds than all the others combined...
loves to catch bees....
he loves warm clothes out of the dryer...
a heating pad...or a warm spot where you just got up from...
he will find the winter I warm up his blankets at bed time...
We will miss him so much....
we are just enjoying him now...
letting him eat what ever he wants to...whenever he wants...
sleep were ever he wants...
he doesn't seem to be in any pain...just tired...
I'm giving him iron with extra vitamins...
just send a little prayer for Jake...


TexWisGirl said...

i'm sorry, deb. this is the hardest part.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We're sending our prayers. This is a difficult time, but he'll let you know. Just enjoy the time left.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

praying for Jake and you, this is heartbreaking. i love the detail of his wavy hair.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet Jake we are so sorry to hear you are not doing well. We are happy to hear that you are getting to do just what you want and you are apparently in no pain. You are in our prayers sweet boy. Nose kisses for you and hugs for your family we are praying for them too.

Two French Bulldogs said...

aaahhh, poor Jake. We are sending tons of good vibes your way
Benny & Lily

Marie said...

I'm so sorry. Sending Jake hugs from us all. I will add him and you in my prayers.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am so sorry. ((HUGS)) My heart aches for you.