
Friday, May 10, 2013

Random 5 Friday...

Today we are joining Random 5 Friday
with Nancy at a Rural Journal
1. Nolan is getting blinder....but it doesn't slow him down much...
he bumps into more things now...but he is still on the move...
and can chase a tennis ball...if he hears where it lands...
he is doing well on his insulin...he has always liked to bark...
but he really barks now...he knows what time he is suppose to
eat his meals each day...he will sit and bark until you feed him...
he will also bark to remind you he needs his shots...
2.  Rooster is finally learning...there is more to life than chasing a ball...he now loves to run and explore when we take him to the river or the lake...
 3.  Ginger may look like a beauty Queen...but let me tell you...
this girl is a pig pen...she get's muddier...wetter and dirtier...
than the other 3 all doesn't matter the temp outside....
if there is water or mud can be one thing...Ginger is in it...
4.  Hatari doesn't know that she is a small dog...all the dogs she plays with are daughter took her to the dog park...
she didn't like the side for little dogs...she wanted to go on the other side with all the big dogs...
5.  Nolan, Rooster, Ginger and Hatari would
like to wish all the Mommies...2 legged and 4 legged...
A Very Happy Mother's Day....


Jim said...

Hi Deb ~~ Your dogs are good looking and I'm thinking a handful for you. Our Toto was blind for the last two years of her life. She did well except after a new rain as then she had to re-establish her scents.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

All different and all enjoyable. Hey, Ginger, we love to get wet and muddy, too!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love all your doggie names ... too cute!! did they just pop into your head or what? so curious. ( :

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It can be so hard to watch our dogs as they become blind. We had a Westie who lived a few weeks past her 16th birthday. Praying that Nolan continues to do pretty well in spite of him going blind. Interesting how he can go after the ball. Thank you Nolan, Rooster, Ginger and Hatari for the Mother's Day wishes.

Nancy said...

Oh, how cute -- you are a good doggy mom. Enjoy your Mother's Day as well. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the expression on Gingers face makes me think you are not telling us the truth. she doesn't look like a pig pen to me. BOL... sweet Nolan, makes me feel good to know he is enjoying life. Happy mothers day

Just Mags said...

Sweet smart. We are so happy he is doing well and still exploring and enjoying life. Looks like more river trips will be needed so Ginger can keep all that dirt and mud washed off. lol That is funny about Hatari wanting to be with the big dogs at the park. Good for you Rooster enjoy your exploring. We still smile every time we think of you catching your fish. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms there. Hugs and nose kisses

Maggid said...

What a stellar family!