
Sunday, October 5, 2014

 Athena is on the move....
her nose to the ground...
her tail in the air....
 there are so many smells....

 so many sounds....
 hey what was that????
maybe a grasshopper...
 where did that squirrel go???

 hey...I know that smell....

 yep...that is Ginger...
fresh out of the mud...

the puppy charmer is calling...
guess who couldn't resist...


Two French Bulldogs said...

What a beautiful baby. Is som buddy in those bushes teasing you?
Lily & Edward

Linda said...

She is beautiful!!! She is obviously a GIRLY girl with that fancy bling collar!!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

It's a huge world to explore, Athena. Hope you get those grasshoppers.

Love the puppy charmer.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is so funny and very photogenic..

Debby@Just Breathe said...

She is so adorable, I love when you share pictures of her!

Just Mags said...

Sweet Deb, she is just adorable and what a cute set of pictures. Hugs Maggie