
Sunday, November 2, 2014

 Rooster has had a tough week...
he jumped on Bo...
Bo tried to avoid it...
but he finally had to fight back...
he bit Rooster on the ear...
Bo didn't get a scratch on him...
Bo's ear was sore from Rooster pulling on it...
Hopefully Rooster has learned a lesson...
Don't pick on bigger dogs...

 Saturday we are at the park...
a older couple are walking 3 BIG dogs...
Rooster is playing ball...
Two of the dogs ran towards Rooster...
Hubby grabs Roosters leash...
but the man can't control his dog...
it starts going after Rooster...
pulling the man right behind him...
Hubby lets Rooster go so he can protect himself...
Rooster obeys Hubbys commands...
finally the man gets control of his dog...
I manage to get the leash of the other dog...
Thankfully it was all biting...

 I think Rooster has learned a big lesson...
when we are out he never goes after dogs...
he tries to stay away from them...
at home he is the King...
he is the Fun Police...
if the other dogs are having too much fun...
he barks at them to tell them to settle down...

 he watches out for Stringbean....
and Athena...
but what he doesn't know...
is Athena is going to be bigger than him...
 He really enjoyed his ball playing...
and I enjoyed my new....faster camera...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the new faster camera is great at action shots for sure. poor bo and poor rooster, we had a few fights with Jake and Cooper and one with baby and Jake. our dog Max had he same thing happen that happened to you at the park, bob was waiting by the car for me to pay the vet, lady stepped out with 2 chows, leashes in one hand, the male jumped away from her and dove on Max they were fighting and biting and bob was getting in between them hanging on to Max leash, the woman was screaming, i grabbed her dogs leash and screamed at her to put the dog she had i the car ad take the one i had. she finally got them in the car. the vet came out and asked if bob wanted a tetanas for the bite he got, we said are her dogs up to date on rabies? he said yes and we left

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Glad there was no real damage. Having terriers, SHE has to be careful because they take on anything. Luckily, they love treats and will sit when other dogs go past.

Rooster will be in for a surprise when Athena stops growing.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Rooster what a mess. Glad you are ok
Lily & Edward