
Sunday, January 24, 2010


I love to play with toys....
love chasing them...
pulling on them....
and if you don't pay attention....
I will bark at you until you do...
I was throwing one of my stuffed
toys around the other night and it landed
on the dresser...I can throw pretty hard...
and sometimes really high....
when the alarm goes off at 5:45 am...
I'm ready for my breakfast....
I go to the back door and scratch...then
when one my parents get up...I run to the
laundry room for my breakfast....
some days I decide to do this at 4:30 am...
before the alarm goes off....and they tell me...
not yet I go lay down in the laundry
room and wait until the alarm goes off...
then about 3:30 every afternoon....I start
thinking about supper....I hang around the
laundry room....hoping they might forget
what time it is and feed me....they usually make
me wait till 5:00 pm....some days Jake will
get in on the action and start flipping his food bowl...
and they say.....not's not time for supper...
can't these people see I'm about to dry up and blow away...
I mean come long is a dog suppose to wait for
food....and during the day....they don't give me many treats...
usually just carrots...or apples know that
healthy I need to get these people trained better....

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