
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Guess who....

RIP Mr. Squirrel...
he wasn't as fast as he thought...
guess who caught him????
you might be surprised....
was it Rooster?????

was it Bliss????
are you getting a hint????
could it be????
is it???
one last chance to guess....

It was me......
I caught that pesky squirrel....
all by myself.....
Bliss was chasing lizards...
Rooster was napping...
and I was catching a Squirrel....
I was so happy....
Daddy was very proud of me...
I wanted to take it home with me...
but he said NO....
that I could NOT bring it into the truck..
with him and little britches...
so I left it behind...
and got a nice belly rub...
and a scratch behind the ears...
look out squirrels I'm on to you know...


Cherrie said...

lol poor little squirrel he didn't have a chance!

Anonymous said...

Ginger you are going to make everybody jealous with your hunting skills. Good girl! But we felt sorry for the little squirre3. Glad you were rewarded for what comes natural for you though...those belly rubs are the best! Hugs and nose kisses

TexWisGirl said...

oh all that mentoring Bliss has given you, and all that speed-training rooster's given you paid off... my doggies here give you a high paw!!!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Well done, Ginger! Squirrels are very hard to catch.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Good Girl! the look on her face is priceless, i like that photo. and i was surprised at the end. i know a few bloggers that would rent her from you to get rid of their pesty squirrels