
Monday, June 20, 2011


Nolan....our diabetic dog...
he's doing really good with it..

hubby gives him shots twice a day...
the vet had put him on a perscription dog food..
very expensive .....
we did a little research and found a healthier dog food...
one that is sold at our local feedstore...
one that is good for all of our dogs...
he now eats less...and needs less insulin...

I think it has even slowed down his cloudiness in his eyes...
he is acting so much better...
playing ball....doing things he hasn't done in a year or so..
I guess some times you have to be your own Vet...
after all you are with them every day....


Cherrie said...

I am glad you found something that works even better and maybe saves you money. He looks very healthy!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Sounds good to us. It's great to find something that works.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

TexWisGirl said...

aww. i'm glad you found something better! sweet boy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we bought our dog food at the feed store for years, then they started carrying it at petsmart and it is closer. glad you found something to help him. vets are like our doctors, we have to police them just like we do our own. how old is noland and how long has he had diabetes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet Nolan it is so good to know the new food is helping you to feel better. Hope you just keep getting better and better. Great pictures of you and you are adorable. Hugs and nose kisses