
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jake and Nolan...

Sunday....the day of rest....

that is if she will keep that camera out of here...

Nolans favorite laying position....
Hi everyone...we are still here...
I think Momma forgets to post about us...
maybe we aren't as exciting as Rooster...
cute as Ginger...or an old bird dog...
but we are fun schnauzers....


Anonymous said...

Well, Jake and Nolan we gotta tell you we think you are two mighty handsome boys. We love it when mom remembers to post something about you and show us your handsome selves. Nolan that is Chancy's favorite position to lie in also. Hugs and nose kisses

TexWisGirl said...

you're pretty darn cute, even if you're spoiled indoor-type doggies. :)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

you should put your paws down and insist that you get equal billing. We think you're very cute.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

MadSnapper n Beau said...

fun AND very handsome. our dog Max that we had for 16 years, laid like Nolan, he slept that way and we used to wonder if it hurt. he is the only dog we have had that could lay like that. that is one sweet face on the pretty quilt. maybe the reason you don't get much time on the blog is you sleep a lot like Baby, our Jake is the one that gets all the space

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Such precious pictures! They are adorable.

Ann said...

I bet you are fun and you certainly are very cute schnauzers as well. Don't you just hate it though when you try and nap and someone has a camera stuck in your face :)