
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rooster is not a happy boy...
he is on restriction...he cut his foot...
so no ball playing until it heals up...
he has been moping around..
looking for his balls...
being cranky with Bliss and Ginger....
we gave him back his tennis ball...
his mood improved....
hopefully his foot will heal fast...
don't know how long he can last...
 the girls will be happy to have him happy again...


Martha Z said...

He can't understand, to him it seems he is being punished but he doesn't know what he did wrong. Poor dog.

Unknown said...

Poor boy, hope he gets that foot better real soon.

Rose said...

Poor boy....hope he is back to normal soon.

Donna said...

It's a tough life. Hope he mends soon.

Judy said...

Poor Rooster! At least he has his tennis ball!! Hope his foot heals up quickly and life can go back to normal!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh my poor poor Rooster, so sorry your paw has a owwie. hope it heals quickly, you do look a tad depressed. good move mom, giving him back his tennis ball.

Jan n Jer said...

aaah poor pup...hope his foot heals soon!

TexWisGirl said...

poor boy! they just don't understand it's for their own good!

Francisca said...

A chain-link fence with a noble purpose... if only Rooster understood!

Two French Bulldogs said...

poor baby. Keep looking pathetic, she may release you from jail
Benny & Lily

gtyyup said...

LOL...a cattle dog on restriction makes for a VERY unhappy pup!! Hope he heals quickly~

Susan said...

Awww, poor little pup. He'll get better soon and forget that he couldn't have his ball. Great photos!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Sad times for Rooster...and frustrating. Heal quickly little buddy!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra Bella & Roxy

fromsophiesview said...

Nothing tearing around just because of an injury...control yourself Rooster!

Marie said...

Poor Rooster! Just like a child. They don't understand we have to do what's best for them...tough love. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Poor baby. Hope he heals quickly.